Heart Bursting Intimacy In Just 21-Days

The 21-Day Feminine Vortex is a step-by-step program that'll help you create more depth in your relationship leading to more love, intimacy, and communication by focusing inward over the next 21-days

Heart Bursting Intimacy In Just 21-Days

The 21-Day Feminine Vortex is a step-by-step program that'll help you create more depth in your relationship leading to more love, intimacy, and communication in the next 21-days

Do you have big dreams for a relationship, but your love life just isn't what you thought it would be?

Have you tried everything to get your man to understand what you need in order to feel loved, but he just won’t do it?

Do you feel like you continuously sabotage what you want in your relationship by being too masculine?

Do you crave a deep, intimate connection but don’t want to have to complain or nag him for it?

Does it feel like no matter what a guy says, you just can’t fully trust him..

Then I want to empower you to connect with your feminine energy and create the relationship you desire without therapy or relationship counselingMy proven step-by-step feminine vortex will take you from negative relationship cycles to receiving the love you crave in just 21 days, whether you're single, dating, or married!

Hey, I’m Samantha :)

I’ve been helping women heal love blocks and deepen intimacy with men for 4 years now. I began as a teacher of masculine and feminine energy and I quickly saw that women were having much deeper blocks in love than just 'being masculine'.

This led to my studies of relational dynamics, childhood trauma, energy work, the nervous system, etc. My entire business and life changed when I trained under a Peruvian Shaman for over a year and studied the ancient practices of how to actually heal the past and free ourselves to receive the love we crave. It's the most effective work I've ever experienced and continue to do with my 1:1 clients.

Naturally, my years of learning under experts across the nation was fueled by the fact that I had never had a successful relationship. I had never had a relationship that was intimate, fulfilling, and loyal. They all left me heartbroken, or deeply unsatisfied. One day, something finally clicked. I met Michael, my now husband, and actually had all the tools to heal my own stuff and receive the love I wanted, FINALLY. It wasn't easy but it has solidified something I know to be true.

If women embrace their feminine nature, heal their relationship to men, and learn to receive...they will indeed have the relationship they want.

And that's why I created the Feminine Vortex. This isn't anything like reading a book or learning some more concepts.

I give you the exact practices and techniques I've used to receive the love I crave. In this program you will find deeply transformative ideas and practices that will change everything in your love life for the better.

My entire relationship changed when I started living my life in the same way I share in the Feminine Vortex

I'm finally in a relationship with a man that shows up for me in ways I've never imagined but needed the whole time...

I'm with a man who not only cares about how I feel.... But does things without me asking and meets my deepest needs in love.

I'm finally in a relationship that is harmonious, peaceful, purposeful, and deepening in love regularly.

I'm married to a man who commits to me from the depths of his mind, body and soul...while I am fully my authentic self

I created The 21-Day Feminine Vortex to empower any woman to receive more love and deepen intimacy in her love life...

...especially women who are just like me and have really struggled with trusting men and being authentic in love in the past. The 21-Day Feminine Vortex will teach you how to have a new and delicious experience of love.

You will learn the all the lessons, practices, and methods that you need to leave the past in the past and receive the love you crave once and for all.

If you’re anything like me, you understand you can't change a relationship overnight

But You Know There's More Than What It Is Right Now...


  • Let go of past pains from men because you're tired of letting it affect your current relationships.
  • Connect deeper with your feminine energy and emotions so you can be more vulnerable and authentic in your relationship.
  • ​Embrace your feminine nature so that you can allow him to step more into his masculinity (and give you the divine masculine support you've been craving)

Each Day is Designed to Move You Through A Simple, Practical Practice That Creates More Depth & Intimacy From Day One.

Here's A Sneak Peek Into The The Magic You'll Experience During The 21-Days We'll Spend Together

A taste of what you'll discover in Week One...

The Most Effective Way To Let Go Of The Pain Caused By Your Past Relationships (And Deepen Your Current Love Relationship)

How To Master Your Body Wisdom & Energetics To Open Up To New Levels Of Intimacy (This Is The Key To Harmony In Your Relationship)

A taste of what you'll discover in Week Two...

How To Open Your Heart (So You Can Receive More Love)

The Secret Behind Feminine Communication (So You Can Stop Nagging And Complaining But Still Feel Heard And Seen)

A taste of what you'll discover in Week Three...

Ancient Methods That End Negative Relationship Patterns For Good (So You Can Stop Playing Out The Same Cycles Over And Over Again)

 The Unexpected Magik Behind Healing Your Inner Masculine Energy (And How That Affects Your Relationship With Men)

Here’s What Other Women Are Saying...

“I finally feel like I’m open to receive his love. I can’t believe I was blocking all this out before”

- Leanne M.
- Leanne M.

“I no longer have a fear of being seen. I can be vulnerable with Jack and it feels natural and inviting”

- Carol Y.

“I couldn’t see clearly before. I could never trust my husband and after healing my trust issues with the masculine, I can actually see him without all that baggage”

- Susannah P.

- Susannah P.

“Nagging is now out of my vocabulary. It didn’t feel good to nag, and now I don’t feel like I have to. I can connect with him and have so much more peace in our relationship”

- Elicia R.
- Elicia R.

"Wow! I'm speechless...this is the MOST ALIVE I've felt in a long time. I'm falling deeper in love with myself and my body. I feel truly divine and WORTHY of everything I want in my love life"

- Briana B.

"It is so refreshing to realize all the healthy masculine energy I have around me! I appreciate and love men so much more now."

- Natoya L.

What makes The 21-Day Feminine Vortex different than other trainings like it?

Clear Structure

  • The 21-Day Feminine Vortex
So much delicious structure. There's no way you complete this program and haven't transformed. It's easy. It's clear and you just have to show up and do the practices I give you for only 21 days.
  • Other Trainings
Lessons you can do whenever but it's not clear how to implement it in your life and actually make a difference in your relationship.

Transformation - Oriented

  • The 21-Day Feminine Vortex

We are focused on practice. I give you a short lesson so you understand the foundational teachings, but more importantly I give you a practice to implement each day. Practice is what is scientifically-proven to change your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and relationship. (plus it takes less than 25 minutes a day)

  • Other Trainings
You watch long trainings. You learn a bunch of stuff and it's fun but doesn't transform anything long-term. Wasted money. Wasted time. Still stuck in the same cycles you were in before.

An Experienced Teacher

  • The 21-Day Feminine Vortex

I've been in the healing + masculine/feminine world for 6 years. I've spent >$35,000 and majority of my time studying under experts. This is my way of life and relating. I live this, so my teachings are embodied and deep.

  • Other Trainings
The teacher just discovered feminine energy last year through Instagram and has decided she wants to teach it to other people, even when she doesn't fully grasp it herself. The teachings are surface-level and ineffective.

Plus, To Make This An Absolute No-Brainer I've Added In Some Pretty Amazing Bonuses...

The Inner Masculine Healing Audio Series & Workbook
Recode your inner masculine energy so that you can experience men in your life in as safe, healing, and present.
The Relationship Breakthrough Video Series
Discover the foundations to your inner transformation and moving forward past negative relationship patterns.

The Clear Past Relationship Karma Workshop

Let go of traumas and remaining energy cords to past relationships so that you can be free to love fully now without fear of what happened in the past

The Claimed Masterclass For Single Women
In this 60 minute training, discover the ancient feminine secrets to attracting the right man who is committed to claiming you as his.

And Before You Download The 21 Day Feminine Vortex…I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If this really works, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them. 

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I'm literally giving you this entire 21 day program for $37 as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good relationship between me and you for years to come.


But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is...

I was planning on selling this program for $800+, but that meant I show up everyday live, look cute regularly, and show up when I really don’t feel like it

Which would be going against everything I teach about feminine wisdom - at the time of creating this I’m in my third trimester with my first baby remember…rest is needed.

Then I sold similar programs for $222 and over a dozen people bought it at that price within a week.

...Which was was great, but then I realized hey - this can be even more powerful as a self-guided program. For one, a daily practice makes real change and two, it is more accessible to everyone! 

By Lowering The Price To $37 It Allows Me To Impact More Women And Help Them Transform Their Hearts Completely

I consider that at a win/win...

And to be 100 transparent with you...

One of my biggest goals was to make this program so valuable that even if I do decide to run ads and lose money enrolling women into it...

You'll have gotten such an amazing transformation that hiring me as your coach and Shaman to help create abundance in your life in relationships would be a no-brainer!

Pretty straightforward.

Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's the best money-back guarantee in the world…

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World

Here’s everything  you’re going to get for $197

  • 21 short video trainings

  • ​21 different practices that correlate with the daily teaching

  • ​The 39-page Feminine Vortex workbook

  • BONUS: The Inner Masculine Healing Audio Series & Workbook

  • BONUS: The Relationship Breakthrough Video Series

  • ​BONUS: The Clear Past Relationship Karma Workshop

  • ​BONUS: The Claimed Masterclass For Single Women

Answers to your questions

Yes, you go through the practices alone. If you have questions you can email me about 1:1 sessions or joining a group program for direct support. samantha@truthhealing.co

You can start at anytime! It is entirely self-paced.

There are no refunds for this program

You receive 4 different bonuses.

1. The Inner Masculine Healing Audio Series and Workbook - Recode your inner masculine energy so that you can experience men in your life in as safe, healing, and present.

2.The Relationship Breakthrough Video Series - Discover the foundations to your inner transformation and moving forward past negative relationship patterns.

3. The Clear Past Relationship Karma Workshop - Let go of traumas and remaining energy cords to past relationships so that you can be free to love fully now without fear of what happened in the past.

4. The Claimed Masterclass For Single Women - Discover the ancient feminine secrets to attracting the right man who is committed to claiming you as his.

You have access to the online teachings and practices forever.

No problem. We've had many women start..take a few days (or weeks lol) off and pick it right back up again.

This course is designed for any woman in a relationship or desiring a relationship. If you're single, this program will help you magnetize the right partner as well as receive him when he finds you.

No, you will NOT be going through the Digital Course Recipe training alone. You will be receiving LIVE weekly coaching with me until DCR ends. However, if you have chosen the bundle package option which includes the AM/PM Academy training, that specific course will be strictly self-paced since I no longer teach that course live. So you will have me holding your hand week by week in DCR, but the AM/PM Academy training will not have that. It will be completely self-paced with no Facebook group or weekly assistance from myself or my admins. The academy training is the recorded training of my last LIVE academy training. (which was Spring 2021) You will have access to all of the curriculum, recorded zoom trainings, guest speakers, additional income streams and AMAZING bonuses that those students got. But the academy training does NOT come with an instructor, admins, facebook group or additional support like DCR does. This training was discontinued as a live training and is only available as a pre recorded, self paced training in my bundle package.

Since this is a knowledge-based course and knowledge CANNOT be reversed once learned, this course is NON-REFUNDABLE. No exceptions.

Enrollment/Registration opens up on April 10, 2021 at 4pm set. This 10-week ONLINE course will begin on May 10, 2021 at 8AM EST. This goes for the Digital Course Recipe package as well as the Digital Course Recipe Bundle Package. These trainings release on the same day and will be dripped WEEKLY to prevent you skipping lessons. 1 module per week.

Trainings are not scheduled in advance. I only launch a training when I know that I can dedicate 10-weeks straight to my students, since I'm running multiple companies alongside this one. Once class is full, you will know by clicking on the payment link. A message will appear letting you know that registration has closed.

Anyone wanting to learn how to turn their knowledge or expertise into a valuable online course. This training is also for those who may be struggling to decide what they want to teach to others. There will be 250+ course topics available for you to choose from.

No, you do not need to have an existing business already. This course will help you launch your own online course from scratch as well as assist you with deciding what you'll teach. This course is for new and existing business owners.

ABSOLUTELY! I love certifications! I hope you do too. Everyone will receive a certificate of completion once all modules have been successfully completed.

Although I have hundreds of success stories from my previous student, it would be illegal and unethical for me to guarantee your success. Your work ethic will determine your success.

No, you do not have to login to your training at a specific time each day. However, I do expect you to dedicate at least 3-5 hours per week to this training (less than a part-time job). Modules are automatically released every Monday at 8am. You will receive an email notification letting you know that you may login and access the current week's module.

This training is exclusively online (you can always login to DCR or the Academy training by coming back to this website and clicking on the login button at the top right hand corner of the page).

Yes, there is. You may click on the waitlist button on this website to opt-in to receive email notifications on future trainings. You may also text the word TRAINING 704-459-4500 to join our text notification list. Text notifications are preferable.

Yes, you can enroll in DCR while you are enrolled in AM/PM Credit Repair.

You will have lifetime access to the course curriculum in DCR. You will also have lifetime access to your curriculum if you have chosen the bundle package with the AM/PM Academy Training included.

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