Her Sacred
Join us to let go of old baggage, connect with your body, unleash your confidence, and reclaim your feminine energy while being yourself and creating the life you desire.
Her Sacred
Join us to let go of old baggage, connect with your body, unleash your confidence, and reclaim your feminine energy while being yourself and creating the life you desire.
Imagine a weekend where you can fully be yourself...
where you can relax...receive...heal...and drop all expectations of who you should be.
a sanctuary where there's no to-do list.
there's no one relying on you.
and you can truly take care of yourself.
Imagine recharging in the truth and presence of other loving, powerful women.
connecting with your body
letting go of old baggage
& feeling unshakeably you...
I invite you to join me for 2 days in St Petersburg, Fl on November 11th-12th to return to your sacred center through hormonal education, shamanic womb healing, feminine embodiment practices, & more.
Imagine a weekend where you can fully be yourself...
where you can relax...receive...heal...and drop all expectations of who you should be.
a sanctuary where there's no to-do list.
there's no one relying on you.
and you can truly take care of yourself.
Imagine recharging in the truth and presence of other loving, powerful women.
connecting with your body
letting go of old baggage
& feeling unshakeably you...
I invite you to join me for 2 days in St Petersburg, Fl on November 11th-12th to return to your sacred center through hormonal education, shamanic womb healing, feminine embodiment practices, & more.
So often the world around us is at war with our woman-hood and feminine energy, which pulls us away from our sacred center.
This can look like..
- being taught to surpress our emotions
- being shamed for our bodies
- programmed with diet / starvation culture
- a disrespectful and traumatizing birth system
- a medical system that is uneducated on women's bodies
- sexual trauma in childhood and/or adulthood
This unknowingly leads us to...
+ pretending to be something we're not
+ stress and nonstop busy-ness
+ unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships
+ lack of boundaries or on the other hand being too closed off in relationships
+ hating our bodies at every age and phase
+ being afraid to be seen
+ countless health issues that are nearly exclusive to women (like menstrual, fertility, thyroid, and autoimmune issues)
So often the world around us is at war with our woman-hood and feminine energy.
This can look like..
- being taught to surpress our emotions
- being shamed for our bodies
- programmed with diet / starvation culture
- a disrespectful and traumatizing birth system
- a medical system that is uneducated on women's bodies
- over-sexualization and sexual trauma in childhood and adulthood
This unknowingly leads us to...
+ unhealthy and unfulfilling relationships
+ lack of boundaries or on the other hand being too closed off in relationships
+ hating our bodies at every age and phase
+ being afraid to be seen
+ countless health issues that are basically exclusive to women (like menstrual, fertility, thyroid, and autoimmune issues)
The good news is...
No matter your age, your size, or your past experiences...
you can always return to your sacred center.
The good news is...
No matter your age, your size, or your past experiences...
you can always return to your sacred center.
with episodes such as...
Meditation Certification Course
Build your perfect diet & meal plan
Self Meditation Yoga Plan
Clear The Emotional system
Better Foucus
Relieves Stress,
There are 3 components of
Your Sacred Center
that we will be diving into in this immersion
1. Your Hormones & Cyclical Nature
How to support your hormones at every phase in womanhood with specific foods, exercise, and herbs. Receive practical and intuitive insights on aligning with the wisdom of your cyclical nature for more happiness, ease, mood stability, and productivity.
*see FAQs for common questions that come up.
2. Your Womb & Vagina
Engage in shamanic ceremonies and hands-on practices to release trauma, blocks, and baggage that are preventing you from being more authentic and expressed. Our wombs and vaginas hold the energy of our past sexual experiences, relationship patterns, surpressed emotions and how we feel about being a woman. +more.
3. Your Emotions, Intuition, & Confidence
Connect with your feminine energy through ancient embodiment practices & loving community. Deepen your trust with your intuition through the wisdom of your body. (yes, anyone can do this!)
There are 3 components of
Your Sacred Center
that we will be diving into in this immersion
1. Your Hormones & Cyclical Nature
How to support your hormones at every phase in womanhood with specific foods, exercise, and herbs. Receive practical and intuitive insights on aligning with the wisdom of your cyclical nature for more happiness, ease, mood stability, and productivity.
*see FAQs for common questions that come up.
2. Your Womb & Vagina
Engage in shamanic ceremonies and hands-on practices to release trauma, blocks, and baggage that are preventing you from being more authentic and expressed. Our wombs and vaginas hold the energy of our past sexual experiences, relationship patterns, surpressed emotions and how we feel about being a woman +more.
3. Your Emotions, Intuition, & Confidence
Connect with your feminine energy through ancient embodiment practices & loving community. Deepen your trust with your intuition through the wisdom of your body. (yes, anyone can do this!)
When a woman is connected to Her Sacred Center, it's obvious.
She is unapologetic about how she feels and who she is.
She feels healthy, strong, and relaxed in her body.
Her relationships are thriving and deepening in intimacy daily.
She is confident and at peace about her future while she consciously creates her dream reality.
When a woman is connected to Her Sacred Center, it's obvious.
She is unapologetic about how she feels and who she is.
She feels healthy, strong, and relaxed in her body.
Her relationships are thriving and deepening in intimacy daily.
She is confident and at peace about her future while she consciously creates her dream reality.
The details...
Location: a private Airbnb within 30 minutes of St. Petersburg, Fl.
Dates & Times:
November 11th 11am-8pm
November 12th 8am-8pm
*Overnight stay for early VIP registrants at no extra cost.
There are currently still spots open for overnight VIP registrants, you simply register and you will automatically receive an overnight spot. If you register now and don't want to stay overnight just let me know. I will delete this part of the page when overnight spots are filled.
Food: Delicious, nutritous food is provided every meal except breakfast on November 11th. Water and tea is also provided.
Investment: $497 (for payment plan, email me at samantha@truthhealing.co)
I want to join! What next?
>> Click the button to sign up and pay
>> You will immediately receive a confirmation email from me
>> A week before the immersion you'll receive another email from me with extra details
>> I'm available via text if you have any questions leading up to the immersion
>> Then, I'll see you on November 11th at 11am :)
The details...
Location: a private Airbnb within 30 minutes of St. Petersburg, Fl.
Dates & Times:
November 11th 11am-8pm
November 12th 8am-8pm
*Overnight stay for early VIP registrants at no extra cost.
There are currently still spots open for overnight VIP registrants, you simply register and you will automatically receive an overnight spot. If you register now and don't want to stay overnight just let me know. I will delete this part of the page when overnight spots are filled.
Food: Delicious, nutritous food is provided every meal except breakfast on November 11th. Water and tea is also provided.
Investment: $497 (for payment plan, email me at samantha@truthhealing.co)
I want to join! What next?
>> Click the button to sign up and pay
>> You will immediately receive a confirmation email from me
>> A week before the immersion you'll receive another email from me with extra details
>> I'm available via text if you have any questions leading up to the immersion
>> Then, I'll see you on November 11th at 11am :)
Just so you know...
I'm a lover of surprises...
I could give you each and every detail about every activity we'll be doing and every gift you'll be receiving to take home with you but where would the fun in that be??
The truth is..
I'm asking you to trust in the mystery...trust in the divine nudge to attend...trust in your inner feminine instinct that says "yes...you should be there..." and let me delight you.
Just so you know...
I'm a lover of surprises...
I could give you each and every detail about every activity we'll be doing and every gift you'll be receiving to take home with you but where would the fun in that be??
The truth is..
I'm asking you to trust in the mystery...trust in the divine nudge to attend...trust in your inner feminine instinct that says "yes...you should be there..." and let me delight you.
with episodes such as...
Meditation Certification Course
Build your perfect diet & meal plan
Self Meditation Yoga Plan
Clear The Emotional system
Better Foucus
Relieves Stress,
The FAQ's
Great! We will have customized education and experiences for all women at every age and hormonal circumstance.
No problem. You still have an energetic womb-space. Everything we do in this immersion will still deeply apply to you. You must understand that I will be referring to that space as a womb, so you will just need to insert "womb-space" in your mind for yourself.
On November 11th we begin at 11am and end at 8pm
On November 12th we begin at 8am and end at 8pm.
You must be on time and present at the location for the entire experience.
If you are an early VIP registrant you will be staying overnight.
There may be an optional overnight/morning experience from November 12-13 for all registrants..TBD
Absolutely! It'll be a perfect blend of education, practices, and rest. + I'm there with other experts for you to ask questions at any time! Also, every woman attending is kind, welcoming, and inclusive...you will feel right at home :)
If you can attend this time I highly recommend it. There are no gaurantees for a future experience identical to this. If you however absolutely cannot attend these dates but want to attend a future immersion identical to this, text me at 813-618-1203 and we will discuss potential options.
a devoted, trained, and skilled Shaman specializing in guiding women on their transformative journeys. My mission is to help women break free from the unique challenges that often hinder their personal growth, happiness, and souls expansion. With the wisdom of ancestral healing practices and psychic spiritual guidance, as well as my modern studies of the brain, body, and soul connection, I'm here to help you release the patterns that no longer serve you so you can live your highest destiny.
As a woman who has traversed the intricate terrain of life's ups and downs, I intimately understand the distinct challenges that women often encounter. Whether it's feeling unworthy, navigating relationships, healing from traumas, dealing with health issues, reclaiming their inner strength, or embracing their true selves, I offer Shamanic Healing sessions and my intimate multi-day immersions, such as Her Sacred Center, as a potent tool to dissolve your obstacles. Together, we'll uncover your innate power, align you with a life of liberation, embrace self-acceptance, and create a profound connection to your soul's purpose.